I remember Elliott when he arrived at Cherokee Creek Boys School. He was a little guy with a full head of curly red hair. After that first month of resistance, Elliott became one of the favorites on campus with a wide group of friends.
As you can see in his interview below, Elliott has grown into a young man who exemplifies the archetypes of the CCBS Medicine Wheel… A Warrior, Healer, Visionary and Teacher. We are so proud of you, Elliott, and wish you continued success in your next few years of college and throughout life! – Beth Black
I am Elliott’s mom and I could not be more
grateful to CCBS for helping our family heal and grow. From the first minute, we learned that the issues we had belonged to all of us… not just Elliott. We worked hard at home while Elliott worked at school. All that effort paid off more than we could have ever imagined. Elliott is a happy, healthy, amazing young man who makes his family incredibly proud. We can not wait to see where Elliott’s journey takes him, but we will be right there with him – cheering him every step of the way. As a parent of a CCBS student, my advice is to be engaged, work on yourself while you have the space and remember to always stay open to outcome.
Thank you for sharing Elliott’s journey. I love how wilderness and CCBS ignited his passion for nature and his continued quest for the outdoors at UC Boulder. Also, thank you for the reminder to all of us that the family needs to do their work at home! I feel so grateful to CCBS for connecting us all together for the benefit of our boys and our families. Amazing! Best wishes to Elliot and your family!